I hear you and agree. The toughest part of the rollercoaster or role reversal is contradicting our loved ones wishes, for the sake of their safety when things are untenable. How and when 'that' journey point is reached can be traumatic.

As you've noted, the availability of options/resources/services is a key question. Here in the UK,

- social services are under-resourced (people, money, etc.) and overburdened. Availability and finance trump quality, unfortunately.

- The agencies that provide support, care homes and hospices are usually not-for-profit businesses/charities & many are now being hit with an increase in business costs

You can imagine the heartbreaking situations I read about in the Carers forums.

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Thank U for sharing the struggle of your decision process. I appreciate your strength and courage. You are a good Caregiver and a Loving, Caring Daughter.

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